
by Ubidy

Connect with the leading search firms in the industry and region you need the talent.

The Ubidy Permanent Placement Exchange enables employers to list their talent requests with categorisations for Industry, Skills and Locations. The Ubidy algorithms then notify Agencies who specialise in the skills and regions and they can review the available Talent Requests and upon review of the position, location and rate can choose to apply to recruit for the role. Employers can simply review the applying Agency profile and choose whether to accept the Agency or Decline their application.

Once approved Agencies can ask clarification questions in the Clarification FAQ, Message the Employer directly through the messenger module and submit Candidates directly through the platform for review by the Employer.

Employers can then review and track candidates with statuses while communicating with the Agency to assist with organising interviews and obtaining further information. All this occurs in one place.

Once the employer finds the candidate they would like, they can make their offer and when accepted, they simply click hired. The Agency is notified and Ubidy invoices the employer the fee owed.

The process is simple and efficient and allows employers to move quickly on roles they wish to engage Agencies with.

At a glance