Semantic Telemetry: Understanding how users interact with AI systems


By , Senior Software Development Engineer , Senior Principal Research Manager , Software Development Engineer , Software Engineer , Senior Principal Researcher , Senior Director , Principal SDE Manager

Semantic Telemetry blog | diagram showing relationships between chat, LLM prompt, and labeled data

AI tools are proving useful across a range of applications, from helping to drive the new era of business transformation to helping artists craft songs. But which applications are providing the most value to users? We’ll dig into that question in a series of blog posts that introduce the Semantic Telemetry project at Microsoft Research. In this initial post, we will introduce a new data science approach that we will use to analyze topics and task complexity of Copilot in Bing usage.

Human-AI interactions can be iterative and complex, requiring a new data science approach to understand user behavior to build and support increasingly high value use cases. Imagine the following chat:

Example chat between user and AI

Here we see that chats can be complex and span multiple topics, such as event planning, team building, and logistics. Generative AI has ushered in a two-fold paradigm shift. First, LLMs give us a new thing to measure, that is, how people interact with AI systems. Second, they give us a new way to measure those interactions, that is, they give us the capability to understand and make inferences on these interactions, at scale. The Semantic Telemetry project has created new measures to classify human-AI interactions and understand user behavior, contributing to efforts in developing new approaches for measuring generative AI (opens in new tab) across various use cases.

Semantic Telemetry is a rethink of traditional telemetry–in which data is collected for understanding systems–designed for analyzing chat-based AI. We employ an innovative data science methodology that uses a large language model (LLM) to generate meaningful categorical labels, enabling us to gain insights into chat log data.

Flow chart illustrating the LLM classification process starting with chat input, then prompting LLM with chat using generated label taxonomy, and output is the labeled chat.
Figure 1: Prompting an LLM to classify a conversation based on LLM generated label taxonomy

This process begins with developing a set of classifications and definitions. We create these classifications by instructing an LLM to generate a short summary of the conversation, and then iteratively prompting the LLM to generate, update, and review classification labels on a batched set of summaries. This process is outlined in the paper: TnT-LLM: Text Mining at Scale with Large Language Models. We then prompt an LLM with these generated classifiers to label new unstructured (and unlabeled) chat log data.

Description of LLM generated label taxonomy process

With this approach, we have analyzed how people interact with Copilot in Bing. In this blog, we examine insights into how people are using Copilot in Bing, including how that differs from traditional search engines. Note that all analyses were conducted on anonymous Copilot interactions containing no personal information.


To get a clear picture of how people are using Copilot in Bing, we need to first classify sessions into topical categories. To do this, we developed a topic classifier. We used the LLM classification approach described above to label the primary topic (domain) for the entire content of the chat. Although a single chat can cover multiple topics, for this analysis, we generated a single label for the primary topic of the conversation. We sampled five million anonymized Copilot in Bing chats during August and September 2024, and found that globally, 21% of all chats were about technology, with a high concentration of these chats in programming and scripting and computers and electronics.

Bubble chart showing topics based on percentage of sample. Primary topics shown are Technology (21%), Entertainment (12.8%), Health (11%), Language, Writing, & Editing (11.6%), Lifestyle (9.2%), Money (8.5%), History, Events, & Law (8.5%), Career (7.8%), Science (6.3%)
Figure 2: Top Copilot in Bing topics based on anonymized data (August-September 2024)
Bubble chart of Technology topic showing subtopics: Programming & scripting, Computers & electronics, Engineering & design, Data analysis, and ML & AI.
Figure 3: Frequent topic summaries in Technology
Bubble chart of Entertainment showing subtopics: Entertainment, Sports & fitness, Travel & tourism, Small talk & chatbot, and Gaming
Figure 4: Frequent topic summaries in Entertainment

Diving into the technology category, we find a lot of professional tasks in programming and scripting, where users request problem-specific assistance such as fixing a SQL query syntax error. In computers and electronics, we observe users getting help with tasks like adjusting screen brightness and troubleshooting internet connectivity issues. We can compare this with our second most common topic, entertainment, in which we see users seeking information related to personal activities like hiking and game nights.

We also note that top topics differ by platform. The figure below depicts topic popularity based on mobile and desktop usage. Mobile device users tend to use the chat for more personal-related tasks such as helping to plant a garden or understanding medical symptoms whereas desktop users conduct more professional tasks like revising an email.

Sankey visual showing top topics for Desktop and Mobile users
Figure 5: Top topics for desktop users and mobile users

Spotlight: Blog post

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Search versus Copilot

Beyond analyzing topics, we compared Copilot in Bing usage to that of traditional search. Chat extends beyond traditional online search by enabling users to summarize, generate, compare, and analyze information. Human-AI interactions are conversational and more complex than traditional search (Figure 6).

Venn diagram showing differences between Bing Search and Copilot in Bing, with intersection in information lookup.
Figure 6: Bing Search Query compared to Copilot in Bing Conversation

A major differentiation between search and chat is the ability to ask more complex questions, but how can we measure this? We think of complexity as a scale ranging from simply asking chat to look up information to evaluating several ideas. We aim to understand the difficulty of a task if performed by a human without the assistance of AI. To achieve this, we developed the task complexity classifier, which assesses task difficulty using Anderson and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy of Learning Objectives (opens in new tab). For our analysis, we have grouped the learning objectives into two categories: low complexity and high complexity. Any task more complicated than information lookup is classified as high complexity. Note that this would be very challenging to classify using traditional data science techniques.

Description of task complexity and 6 categories of the Anderson and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy of Learning Objectives

Comparing low versus high complexity tasks, most chat interactions were categorized as high complexity (78.9%), meaning that they were more complex than looking up information. Programming and scripting, marketing and sales, and creative and professional writing are topics in which users engage in higher complexity tasks (Figure 7) such as learning a skill, troubleshooting a problem, or writing an article.

Highest and lowest complexity topics based on percent of high complexity chats
Figure 7: Most and least complex topics based on percentage of high complexity tasks.

Travel and tourism and history and culture scored lowest in complexity, with users looking up information like flight times and latest news updates.

Demo of task complexity and topics on anonymous Copilot interactions

When should you use chat instead of search? A 2024 Microsoft Research study: The Use of Generative Search Engines for Knowledge Work and Complex Tasks, suggests that people are seeing value in technical, complex tasks such as web development and data analysis. Bing Search contained more queries with lower complexity focused on non-professional areas, like gaming and entertainment, travel and tourism, and fashion and beauty, while chat had a greater distribution of complex technical tasks. (Figure 8).

Comparison of Bing Search and Copilot in Bing topics based on complexity and knowledge work. Copilot in Bing trends greater complexity and greater knowledge work than Bing Search.
Figure 8: Comparison of Bing Search and Copilot in Bing for anonymized sample data (May-June 2023)


LLMs have enabled a new era of high-quality human-AI interaction, and with it, the capability to analyze those same interactions with high fidelity, at scale, and in near real-time. We are now able to obtain actionable insight from complex data that is not possible with traditional data science pattern-matching methods. LLM-generated classifications are pushing research into new directions that will ultimately improve user experience and satisfaction when using chat and other user-AI interaction tools.

This analysis indicates that Copilot in Bing is enabling users to do more complex work, specifically in areas such as technology. In our next post, we will explore how Copilot in Bing is supporting professional knowledge work and how we can use these measures as indicators for retention and engagement.

FOOTNOTE: This research was conducted at the time the feature Copilot in Bing was available as part of the Bing service; since October 2024 Copilot in Bing has been deprecated in favor of the standalone Microsoft Copilot service.


  1. Krathwohl, D. R. (2002). A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy: An Overview. Theory Into Practice, 41(4), 212–218. (opens in new tab)

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